The Heritage Steamboat Trust

About the Steam launch Shamrock

The Heritage Steamboat Trust is a registered charity which supported a fund raising appeal to help repair the damage sustained by the 1906 historic Lake Windermere steam launch 'Shamrock'. There was unprecedented flooding in Lakeland during the winter 2009 and the cabin of Shamrock was severely damaged while the launch was moored in its boathouse at Wray Castle.

Shamrock is a listed Historic Vessel privately owned by Roger Mallinson, which was restored by Roger in 1978. Shamrock has been displayed on Windermere every year since then at both private and public functions.

The Shamrock Trust has now been formed to take over future management of this historic steam launch

Please note that Fund raising for Shamrock by the Heritage Steamboat Trust  has now been concluded, resulting in donations of over £7000 provided for cabin repairs.

Thank you to all who have given so generously.

The new  "Shamrock Trust" will now be providing news about Shamrock, and should you wish to continue your support please note that the Trust is forming a Friends of Shamrock support club.

Details of Shamrock can also be seen at the SBA website on their register of UK steamboats  Click here

The photo slide show on the right shows the damage sustained during the floods.

Click here for some pictures of the cabin repair work, also including photos taken in June 2010 during the first public steaming following conclusion of the repairs.